Posted on December 2, 2015 in News

OPEN AUDITION CALL:’The Supine Cobbler’, by Jill Connell

Rehearsal dates: March 14, 2016 – April 14, 2016
Run dates: April 14 – 23, 2016
Edmonton, AB

Equity Artist Collective Agreement
Seeking Female Edmonton Actors (Equity and non-Equity)

Director: Vanessa Sabourin

The Cobbler is an outlaw. A genius, but an outlaw just the same. She meets the Doctor for a procedure at high noon, accompanied by her apprentice (a turncoat), her estranged sister (dead by hanging), and her former best friend (missing, presumed dead). Together they negotiate integrity in a lawless world. A Contemporary Clinical Abortion in the Spirit of a Western.

Roles to be cast:
(early 30’s) The Dancer/Nurse 1. (Frankie (Francisca) Cordovan) The Cobbler’s older sister.
(early 30’s) The Lover/Nurse 2. (Leigh Meloné) The Cobbler’s best friend.
(50’s) The Doctor. (name unknown) The Cobbler’s abortion provider.

Audition date: Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015
Edmonton, AB

Deadline for submissions: Dec. 13, 2015
Please submit headshot, resume, and short note of interest to: