Thank you to every one who was able to attend our community gathering on November 2. We extend special gratitude to Arielle Rombough and Erin Flasch from Theatre Arts Collective for Consent and Respect for coming from Calgary to facilitate the conversation, and Nikki Bernier from the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton and Annette Loiselle from SkirtsAfire for assisting in organizing it. And again, to ALL the members of our community who were able to attend!
There were a great many perspectives brought forward and some possible future activities identified. We hope that this conversation has supported and inspired the people present to continue this work together, ever expanding the reach and the depth of this movement towards release, healing, and change.
The Maggie Tree would like to assist this process by acting as a communication conduit while something more permanent and specific is forming. Please let us know of any activities that you are planning and we will help share the word and keep people connected with each other.
Some members of the community have begun planning a few follow up events under Theatre Edmonton Project. Theatre Edmonton Project is a grassroots platform available and open to anyone within the theatre community interested in organizing events or resource sharing opportunities. You can follow them on facebook to keep up to date with the activities and contact them if you wish to help out or if you have an event you would like to create.
We look forward to all the future discussions and actions that will keep us building a stronger community for all.
With much gratitude and respect,
Kristi Hansen and Vanessa Sabourin